
“He demonstrates what he preaches! The videos are tutorials at multiple levels. They are crisp, to-the-point, the length is just enough for our attention span. Luca is approachable and answers all the queries quickly. Just like his books, this course is an investment that will reap cumulatively.”

Abhishek Gohel

This course is specifically designed for academics and researchers who want to make an impact and get their ideas widely known.

Does this matter to you?

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Memorability

    2. Interestingness

    3. Practice

    4. The path forward

    5. A quick note

    1. Draft your outline

    2. Make it relevant

    3. Make it concrete

    4. Make it actionable

    5. Make it resonate

    6. Draft your slides

    7. Refine your slides

    1. Self-assessment: do you have a presenter's presence?

    2. Your voice

    3. Your body language

    4. Facial expressions

    5. Interacting with the audience

    1. Common mistakes

    2. Video setup

    3. Background setup

    4. Light setup

    5. Audio setup

    6. Slide setup

    1. Video editing

    2. Best practices for remote presentations

About this course

  • €59,00
  • 36 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Does presenting really matter, as an academic?

It does. Few will admit it, but ideas spread not based on how important but how well communicated they are. You can produce the greatest research work but, if no one understands what it is about and why it matters, no one will remember it.

Meet your instructor

Luca Dellanna

As a management advisor, I have 10y+ of experience helping organizations increase their revenue and lower their costs. As a scholar, I published several books and papers on human behavior and risk management, and regularly teach related subjects at a local university. I hold a master's in automotive engineering. My website is Luca-Dellanna.com


  • What if I don't like the course?

    I offer a 30-days full-refund guarantee.

  • What experience do you have to teach presenting?

    I have a 15-years experience presenting in front of large audiences, both live and remotely, and I spoke at the largest conference in my field, behavioral sciences (Nudgestock 2020). Moreover, my "day job" is training and advising executives on people management and, between others, I cover communication and presenting skills.

  • What if I'm really not talented at presenting?

    I was really bad at it too. I was the shyest kid in my school, English is my third language, and my body language used to be the most awkward. Yet, I had the chance of having great coaches and colleagues teach me how to become better at delivering effective presentations, so that poor communication skills won't get in the way of the great work I was doing. With this course, I give back what I learned. And if I mastered presenting, so can you.

  • How fast will it work?

    The course takes about 2 hours to watch, but the first half a hour already contains exercises which will dramatically increase your presentation effectiveness. It will take some more work to implement all the contents of the course – including a few minutes of daily work for a couple of weeks if you need to improve your diction, body language, or facial expressivity.

  • Why should I get this course now?

    Any time you are asked what you work on, and aren't able to convey this clearly and engagingly, you lose an opportunity to advance your career. Best take care of this as soon as possible.


5 star rating

Luca is a deliverer!

Abhishek Gohel

Given a deep and clear thinker that he is, this course is to presentations what 100 truths is to life. He sticks to principles, there is a method to it. The summary of his presentation are quick and effective, ready-to-use points.

Given a deep and clear thinker that he is, this course is to presentations what 100 truths is to life. He sticks to principles, there is a method to it. The summary of his presentation are quick and effective, ready-to-use points.

Read Less

Become a better presenter

Pricing options

In addition to the course, you can purchase a one-on-one one-hour video call with Luca, or the possibility to send him a recording of your presentation and receive detailed feedback and actionable suggestions for improvement

Purchasing Power Parity

PPP is a pricing system where readers get dynamic discounts based on where they live, ensuring a price proportional to their local currency and cost of living. This course platform doesn't offer an automatic way to offer PPP, but I still want to support it. So, if you believe you would be eligible for a PPP discount, please email me at Luca-Dellanna.com/contact and I'll send you a discount code.